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Left-handed...one handed...wrong handed... is an awful slow way to type. That's what I am reduced to right now. If my blog pen is a little quiet the next few weeks, you will know why.

Monday evening I wrecked my bicycle, which resulted in surgery to put 6 pins in my fractured right arm. I have spent the days since then on the couch, alternating between ice bags and Vicadin. I would love to say it happened ripping a mountain bike at warp speed down Mt. Everest. Truth is, it was just a freakish thing on a leisurely ride on flat pavement in our quiet neighborhood. I was cruising along when the front wheel caught an edge in the pavement. In an eye blink, it had turned 90 degrees and I went flying over the bike, landing on my wrist, shoulder, and the side of my face. Nasty as it was, I was lucky it wasn't a whole lot worse.

It is going to be a while before I am back to my on-the-go self! With the starting of fall practice, I had big plans to hit the book hard. This is definitely going to slow me down a bit for the next month; please bear with me. The pain I can tolerate, but the loss of time and delay is discouraging.