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Hot Hot Hot!

It was brutal today, but I, like thousands of other proud parents and grandparents, braved the heat to be in Ohio Stadium . I have been to many big football wins in the 'Shoe, but none can compare to emotion unleashed just outside that stadium when the new graduates first meet their proud parents and grandparents diploma in hand. For many it's the highest of high. Graduations run many emotions.....in and around the 'Shoe today I heard graduation stories that could be described as inspiring, historic, bittersweet, and some even sad.

For all of you who I gave my business card to today, and anyone else, please consider sending me your personal graduation story. What better opportunity, to honor for posterity, a son, daughter, niece or nephew. For the graduates, what better way to honor Mom, Dad, Grandpa or Grandpa, or anyone who sacrificed so that you might say you are a graduate of The Ohio State University. What better way to honor someone who cold not be there with you today in the flesh, but certainly was there in spirit? Email or call and if need be, I will help you with the details of how to tell your story.

Go Bucks!