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In Memoriam

Like Buckeye fans everywhere, I was saddened to awake this morning to the news of the passing of Bill Willis. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of this pioneer.

I had always hoped to be able to visit with Mr. Willis to get his own words for this book. While I never made that goal, in the course of this journey I have met many people who knew Bill, not only as a player, but also as a father, civic leader and Christian man. His story and his legacy beyond football will live on through the words of those that knew him.

Years from now when I look back on all of my times in Ohio Stadium, one of my signature memories will be the moment I was on the field in the photographers’ line during the ceremony retiring Bill’s jersey. I was close enough that day to see through my shutter how genuinely moved Bill was; close enough to feel the love of his proud family and to feel it in a way that couldn’t possibly have been experienced high in the stands. It was particularly telling that on that occasion the people at midfield whom Bill chose to surround himself with were his family and members of his church. Afterwards on the sideline, I heard Bill’s son relate the excitement in his father’s voice the night he went to the house and Bill told him “Coach Tressel called. They’re going to retire my jersey!” One could sense how much that historic occasion, and the people surrounding him that day, meant to Bill Willis.

It was such a fitting and deserved event and a blessing that Ohio State made it happen while Bill could still be present to receive the tribute. If you were in the stadium that day, know that in Bill Willis, you witnessed a legend, not only in the game of football but in the larger, more important, game of life. Would that we all could be surrounded with so much love and respect in our twilight hours.

If you have a story that would honor the memory of Bill Willis I would love to hear from you and help you tell it to future generations.

Peace be with Bill and his family.