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The Stadium will Sparkle!

I was in the Shoe Friday for a most interesting interview of the Superintendent of Ohio Stadium. A small army of workers was swarming over the stadium working hard to polish it up and get it ready for Monday nights practice. You can do your part in respecting the place and leaving it like you found it with your trash in the cans.

Of course I will be in the stadium Monday night like many of you. Look for the short guy with the Shoe on his shirt. Let’s hope the weather cooperates. This is the chance for thousands of kids to see the stadium, many of whom otherwise will never get the chance. I’m sure some adults who should know better will be elbowing in front of the kids and grumbling about the autograph arrangements. For me however, it’s enough just to be in Ohio Stadium with Buckeye friends and watch the smiles on these little fans faces. After all, they are the future of the Buckeyes!